World Geography Questions with answer-regular.gk

 World Geography Questions (MCQs) for UPSC, State PCS and SSC Examinations

World Geography Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) Quiz for State and UPSC Civil Services Examinations. Objective Questions on Physical Geography and World Geography for competitive examinations.


1.Lake Titicaca, a large deep lake in South America, is located on the border of which two countries?

[A] Argentina and Bolivia
[B] Bolivia and Peru
[C] Peru and Uruguay
[D] Uruguay and Paraguay

 Answer: B


2.Theory of special relativity was developed by:

[A] Einstein
[B] Newton
[C] Galileo
[D] Laplace

 Answer: A


3.Which among the following two gases contribute to begin the formation of stars?

[A] Hydrogen & Nitrogen
[B] Hydrogen & Helium
[C] Hydrogen & Oxygen
[D] Nitrogen & Helium

 Answer: B


4.The largest producer of rubber is_________ ?

[A] Thailand
[B] Malaysia
[C] Singapore
[D] India

 Answer: A


5.Which among the following African country has been traditionally a center of ethnic conflicts between Hutus & Tutsi ethnic groups?

[A] Tanzania
[B] Nigeria
[C] Rwanda
[D] Sudan

 Answer: C


6.Schengen Area comprises the territories of 25 European countries that have implemented an agreement signed in Schengen, Luxembourg, in 1985. How many countries are members of the Schengen area, but not part of the European Union?

[A] 1
[B] 2
[C] 3
[D] 4

 Answer: C


7.What is the reason of Venus being the hottest planet of the Solar system?

[A] Proximity to Sun
[B] Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere
[C] High speed of Rotation
[D] Presence of powerful magnetic field

 Answer: B


8.Which Island forms the part of the southern end of Maritime Southeast Asia?

[A] Rhodes Island
[B] Malta Island
[C] Sardinia Island
[D] Timor Island

 Answer: D


9.Which among the following is not an Isthmus of America?

[A] Isthmus of Avalon
[B] Isthmus of East Falkland
[C] Isthmus of Panama
[D] Isthmus of Mansheya

 Answer: D

10.Which is the largest glacier in India?

[A] Zemu Glacier
[B] Satopanth Glacier
[C] Gangotri Glacier
[D] Siachen Glacier

 Answer: D


11.Which of the following is the world’s largest archipelago country?

[A] Philippines
[B] Indonesia
[C] Finland
[D] Sweden

 Answer: B


12.Which is the smallest gulf country in the world?

[A] Bahrain
[B] Oman
[C] Iraq
[D] Qatar

 Answer: A


13.Which is the longest beach in the world?

[A] Maya Bay
[B] Santa Monica Beach
[C] Navagio Beach
[D] Praia do Cassino

 Answer: D


14.Which of the following is used to measure the chemical composition of stars?

[A] Spectroscope
[B] Inferometer
[C] Astronomical Unit
[D] Barometer

 Answer: A


15.What is the phenomena of apparent shift in the position of a nearby star against the background of a distant object  called?

[A] Astronomical Unit
[B] Stellar parallax
[C] Kuiper belt
[D] Oort cloud

 Answer: B


16.Which Hypothesis was put forward by F.Hoyle and Lyttleton?

[A] Nebular Hypothesis
[B] Cepheid Hypothesis
[C] Interstellar Dust Hypothesis
[D] Nova Hypothesis

 Answer: D


17.Which currents cause the flow of the middle mantle?

[A] Oceanic currents
[B] Convection currents
[C] Atmospheric currents
[D] Surface currents

 Answer: B


18.What is the molten rock material in the interior of the Earth called?

[A] Lava
[B] Magma
[C] Dyke
[D] Sill

 Answer: B


19.Which among the following statements is/are  about igneous rocks?

[A] Volcanic Rocks are the igneous rocks formed on the surface of the earth
[B] Plutonic rocks are the igneous rocks formed at intermediate depths
[C] Hypabyssal rocks are the igneous rocks formed deep below the Earth’s surface
[D] All of the above

 Answer: A


20.What does the word ‘Pangaea’ mean?

[A] All Earth
[B] All Ocean
[C] All Mountains
[D] All Volcanoes

 Answer: A


21.What is a steep slope separating two relatively level regions called?

[A] Escarpment
[B] Arete
[C] Tor
[D] Doab

 Answer: A


22.Which among the following statements is  about the volcanic landform Tuya?

[A] It is an underwater vents or fissures in the Earth’s surface from which magma can erupt
[B] It is a flat-topped, steep-sided volcano formed when lava erupts through a thick glacier or ice sheet
[C] It is a volcanic caldera that has been partially filled by a new central cone
[D] It is a low profile volcano usually formed almost entirely of fluid lava flows

 Answer: B


23.Which among the following statements is  about the weathering landform Nubbin?

[A] It is a small and gentle hill consisting of a bedrock core dotted with rounded residual blocks.
[B] It is a plain where the bedrock has been subject to considerable subsurface weathering
[C] It is a large dome-shaped, steep-sided, bald rock
[D] It is a rock-wall with a smooth transition into a concavity at the foot zone

 Answer: A


24.The Salsette island is situated on the banks of which among the following rivers?

[A] Kaveri
[B] Penna
[C] Ulhas
[D] Mutha

 Answer: C


25.Which among the following river islands is not located on the banks of river Brahmaputra?

[A] Majuli
[B] Dibru Saikhowa
[C] Umananda
[D] Srirangam

 Answer: D


26.The Yangtze Delta drains into which among the following water bodies?

[A] Arabian Sea
[B] Red Sea
[C] East China Sea
[D] Caspian Sea

 Answer: C


27.The Caspian Sea is not surrounded by which among the following countries?

[A] Kazakhstan
[B] Russia
[C] Iraq
[D] Iran

 Answer: C


28.Which among the following statements is  about the Great Ocean Road?

[A] It is known for the Fringe Festival
[B] It is known as the Marvelous city
[C] It is the world\’s largest war memorial
[D] It is a capital of Western Australia

 Answer: C


29.Which pass connects Mumbai to Nashik?

[A] Shencotta Gap
[B] Pal Ghat
[C] Bhor Ghat
[D] Thal Ghat

 Answer: D


30.Where are the Salisbury Plains located?

[A] France
[B] England
[C] New Zealand
[D] Australia

 Answer: B


31.The Depsang plains lies on the border of which among the countries?

[A] India – Pakistan
[B] India – Nepal
[C] India – Myanmar
[D] India – China

 Answer: D


32.Which among the following volcanoes is located in Indonesia?

[A] Mt. Etna
[B] Mt. Vesuvius
[C] Mt. Merapi
[D] Kilauea

 Answer: C


33.Which is the largest hot desert in the world?

[A] Gobi
[B] Sahara
[C] Atacama
[D] Thar

 Answer: B


34.What are the dry dusty winds blowing in Northern Africa an Arabia called?

[A] Loo
[B] Mistral
[C] Harmattan
[D] Khamsin

 Answer: D


35.What is the ratio of water vapour in air at a particular temperature to total amount of water vapour required to saturate the same air at same temperature called?

[A] Absolute Humidity
[B] Relative Humidity
[C] Specific Humidity
[D] Evaporation

 Answer: B


36.Where do the fastest winds in the cyclone occur?

1.   Eye of the cyclone

2.   Eye-wall of the cyclone

Select the  code from the options given below:

[A] Only 1
[B] Only 2
[C] Both 1 & 2
[D] Neither 1 & 2

 Answer: B


37.Which among the following statements is not  about temperate cyclone?

[A] They are confined to 35 degree – 65 degree N and S of equator.
[B] They form only on seas with temperature more than 26-27 degree C
[C] They cover a larger area.
[D] They are Inverted ‘V’shape

 Answer: B


38.The Sargasso Sea is located in which among the following oceans?

[A] Pacific
[B] Atlantic
[C] Indian
[D] Arctic

 Answer: B


39.Which among the following pairs of ocean relief features is/are  matched?

1.   Seamounts – Flat topped mountains

2.   Guyots – Mountains with pointed Summits

Select the code from the options given below:

[A] Only 1
[B] Only 2
[C] Both 1 & 2
[D] Neither 1 & 2

 Answer: D


40.Which among the following are extensive linear reef complexes that parallel a shore, and are separated from it by lagoon?

1.   Atoll

2.   Fringing Reef

3.   Barrier Reef

Select the  code from the options given below:

[A] Only 1
[B] Only 3
[C] Only 2
[D] None of the above

 Answer: B


41.Which among the following statements is/are  about La Nina?

1.   The literal meaning of the term La Nina is a Christ child.

2.   During the occurrence of this condition sea surface temperature in the central and western Pacific rises above the normal.

Select the  code from the options given below:

[A] Only 1
[B] Only 2
[C] Both 1 & 2
[D] Neither 1 & 2

 Answer: D


42.Which among the followings current/s keep the western coast of Europe warm?

1.   Labrador current

2.   West Wind Drift

3.   Norwegian Current

Select the  code from the options given below:

[A] Only 1 & 2
[B] Only 1 & 3
[C] Only 2 & 3
[D] 1, 2 & 3

 Answer: C


43.Which among the following statements is/are  about Tropical Rainforest Biome?

1.   Rainforests only cover around 10 percent the total surface area of the Earth.

2.   They help to regulate the temperatures around the world and the weather patterns as well.

3.   Tropical Rainforest are extremely humid, due to all the rainfall, the average humidity is between 77 and 88 percent.

Select the  code from the options given below:

[A] Only 1
[B] Only 2 & 3
[C] Only 1 & 3
[D] 1, 2 & 3

 Answer: B


44.Which among the following are the representative groups of the animal herders of Africa?

[A] Yakut
[B] Masai
[C] Eskimos
[D] Bedouins

 Answer: B


45.What type of farming is practiced in areas where there is no dearth of rainwater for the production of crops?

[A] Precision Farming
[B] Irrigation Farming
[C] Humid Farming
[D] Dry Farming

 Answer: C


46.What is the practice of growing of two or more crops simultaneously called?

[A] Mixed Farming
[B] Precision Farming
[C] Inter-cropping
[D] Share-cropping

 Answer: C


47.When did the earliest plantations came up?

[A] 19th century
[B] 14th century
[C] 15th century
[D] 18th century

 Answer: C


48.Where did the practice of Sericulture originate?

[A] China
[B] India
[C] West Asia
[D] Russia

 Answer: A


49.What are weight losing industries which tend to be located near the sources of raw materials called?

[A] Raw material oriented industries
[B] Capital oriented industries
[C] Service industries
[D] Market oriented industries

 Answer: A


50.Which is the busiest airport of the world in terms of number of passengers using it?

[A] Los Angeles
[B] Dallas
[C] San Francisco
[D] Atlanta

 Answer: D



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